Wednesday 9 May 2012


It is undeniable fact that from 7 to 77, people internalize technology in every part of their lives. We are doing our homework via internet on computers instead of searching from cyclopaedia or booking our tickets for flights or holidays via internet or phones. Even little children prefer computer, internet and some other game tools such as play station or wii instead of playing in gardens and being in nature. In fact, it is not an abnormal act in this era due to the fact that we call it as era of technology. However, unfortunately people become to exaggerate using it. Thus, day by day they are addicted to technology.
Firstly, it should be said that nearly all people use social networks such as facebook, twitter, formspring via their computers or mobile phones. It is such a kind of addiction that the first thing they do when they wake up is checking their accounts and also the last thing they do before sleeping is the same. Additionally, within day, they look their accounts for several times. They are checking in on facebook, composing twits on twitter and asking questions to their friends or foreign people on formspring. In other words, computers and mobile phones make people more dependent on technology thanks to social networks.
Secondly, it is impossible to deny that the way we communicate changes too much when it is compared past. Now people prefer to use e-mailing instead of faxing or they express their feelings via sms instead of long letters. Scarcely, people forget how to write letters or fax. Because they are faster than, they like new ways but they are not aware of becoming unsocial. They are accustomed to technological tools for communication therefore they cannot state their happiness or sadness when they are face to face. It is another reason for people to be addicted to technology.
Apart from mobile phones and computers, there is another cause making people addicted to the technology ; TV. From kids to seniors, people watch TV in days and night. Children are
keen on watching TV rather than playing with their friends. From morning to night, cartoons appear on some special cartoon channels. In addition, there are lots of soup operas making people away from social life. They postpone their programs to go out because of their favorite soup operas or other TV shows. This is an indisputable factor making people dependent on technology.
To sum up, technology is indispensable of people’s lives. We absorb it almost every minute with using mobile phone, computer, laptop, ipad and TV. Thus, this habit converts a addiction after a short time in our lives. In the era of technology it is impossible to live without it. Even if you do not want to use, system forces you to be active user of technology. Briefly, we are living with technology and will die while using it.

Monday 30 April 2012


Optimism is “a feeling that good things happen and that something will be successful” (as defined in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). Apart from its definition in dictionary, it is feeling the sun inside, creating shapes from clouds and seeing the pink sides every time. Optimism is giving positive messages to the earth and believing them. In other words, it is trying not to see all of the difficulties in life or ignoring them. Naturally, there are some ways to get optimistic point of view and some result on people’s lives.
As every concept, there are some steps that should be followed to have optimistic philosophy. Undoubtedly, first step is waking up with a smiling face. When you open your eyes after a long sleep, you should feel happy for living today; you should be excited about what will happen today and willing to go to school or work. You ought to be aware of your chance to see your classmates, workmates your family or your lover. It has to be added that, do not forget to wear your pink glasses before leaving home because they are indispensable part of being optimist. If you start your day in this way, it is nearly impossible to see little problems that would make you suffer.
After looking at some vital points to get an optimistic sight, now it is effects’ turn. What would happen if a person apply optimism to his life? There are some undeniable reactions such as feeling peaceful and relaxed instead of thinking how poor you are, dreaming the best every time and additionally, being more motivated in studies. Separately, optimism is the easiest way due to the fact that it composes people desires, dreams and imaginations. Otherwise, taking into consideration to the negations requires thinking a lot about what can be if everything goes wrong.
All in all, optimism is more than its definition in dictionaries because it is a life style. Most of the people believe in this concept and live their lives according to the steps that are mentioned. As a result, the reactions are observed both in their lives and subconscious. In other saying, optimism is seeing your beauties instead of the little spot on your face when you look in a mirror or thinking as if your oxygen never consumes. It is realizing the diamond  among of coals.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Slumdog Millionaire & Separation

Watching film is a preferred way of spending spare times for most of the people. That’s why it is both amusing and educatory in addition to its contributions to general knowledge. Among all of the films, people generally prefer the most popular ones because they think these films are better than others. In this essay, It is going to be mentioned two of the well-known movies which are Slumdog Millionaire and Seperation while taking into consideration of the similarities and differences between them.
To begin with the similarities between them, both of them won Oscar and other important awards which makes them more well-recognized. Additionally, not only Slumdog Millionaire but also Separation mentions hardships of life. And lastly, in both films, the main characters are accused of doing something wrong although they do not in fact.
Besides their similarities, there are also some differences between them. Firstly, Slumdog’s original language is English while Separation’s is Arabic. Secondly, Slumdog ends with a happy scene and its end is clear. However, Separation does not have an happy and clear ending. Its end is open to commend. Lastly, while watching Separation, impacts of religion can be observed but in Slumdog Millionarie, there is not clear effects of religion.
To sum up, naturally, there are some similarities and differences between these films and both Slumdog Millionarie and Separation are unique films. Therefore, most of the people have watched them admiringly. 

Friday 13 April 2012

Types of Teachers

Teachers have a special place in every person’s life. From the beginning of the school to the final day, people have lots of teachers in schools, courses and tutoring. While people do not forget some with their positives sides, some others are remembered with their negative impacts on students. However, there are some basic types of teachers that everybody meets at least for one time. These teachers can be classified as sensible, strict and knowledgeable ones.

First class composes of sensible teachers who are never forgotten by students. This kinds teachers think students first instead of rules and exams. They do not care exams and evaluation too much. Their aim is to make students learn deeply. They try to trust their students, want to believe them and generally, they can get on well with their all students. That’s why students prefer to study their favorite teacher's lesson most.

The second type is strict teachers. They always have an edge between them and their students. They try to seem serious in both lessons and breaks. They are never flexible about deadlines and it is hard to change their mind about any subject. The way of getting on well with them is being a regular student, listening to the lesson carefully and submitting the homework on time.

The last type is knowledgeable teachers. It is the most different type. Even if students do not like the teacher, they respect him because of his deep knowledge about his branch. This kind of teachers is good at teaching the lesson but they do not care physical status of students. They also do not care about whether students listen to them or not. They are interested in the students who are hardworking. Their logics works in this way, if students are willing to learn, s/he is always here to teach but if they do not, it is not his/her business.

All in all, it is impossible to summarize all kind of teachers in an essay due to the fact that they are people, also and they have special characteristics whose impact on lesson can be observed. However, it should be added that being teacher is backbreaking and students should not think only themselves but also their teachers. It is a vital part of their relationships between teachers.

Friday 6 April 2012

European Union

In today’s world, it is impossible not to mention European Union which appeared first 1940s while talking about policy. To explain shortly, European Union is an economic and political partnership between 27 country. These countries compose much of the European Continent. Because of its power and huge impacts on world’s future, it has been an authority since it was designed. Naturally, there are some causes and effects of it, especially on participant countries.
If we want to explain why European Union is established, we meet the desire of composing a partnership between European countries and being more powerful. Being together means, having more financial support instead of getting a power to govern the world. When they established this union, they managed to remove the arguing between neighbor countries. After countries were the member of European Union, their aim turned to same and they have got them in easier way.
After looking at the reason of European Union’s establishment which is the desire of being together and more powerful, let’s look at the effect of it on the participant countries.
Although, European Union was composed with big hopes, it lead to some hardships for participant countries such as not a chance for changing the laws if union do not let or observing the rules that union makes. This limits the independent level of countries. They cannot decide an improvement even if it is only related their own country. That’s because in the union, not all the countries have the same power and some decide what they will do. It gives rise to the inequality and discrimination between the participant countries.
All in all, it is undeniable that European Union has such a big power that it has say in every issue about the world in terms of politics and economics. Most of the countries try to be a
member of this group. They give effort to follow their rules and change themselves according to union’s expectations.

Thursday 29 March 2012


Unfortunately, life is full of disappointments. Sometimes people can let you down, tell lies to you over and over again or they do not keep their promises although you trust them with all your heart. They can be from your family, one of your friends or maybe it is your teacher. Actually, it is not important who s/he is. The significant part is the impact of this disappointment on your life. How it makes you feel or can you get over it easily. It is easy to overtake all of the disappointments if you follow three steps.
Initially, when you face a deep frustration, you should think about its reasons and result. In other words, you ought to try to see what makes you feel depressed, who did it and why s/he did make such a bad thing. While you are thinking about the issue, you try to keep cool and use your logic. Place all your emotions on one side and try to understand. After you see the causes, you give a chance for yourself what are the effects of this disappointment on your mood and life. In this time, you can also use your emotions. Think about, what makes you feel better in this situation and meet yourself halfway. In this step, you should protect the balance between your emotions and logic.
In the next stage, you know the causes and effects of this frustration. If you see a way to solve the problem such as speaking the person who causes the disappointment, you just do it. On the other hand, if the problem looks bigger despite thinking about it too much, it means you need a break. It is not a long break such as a holiday or meeting friends in different places. If you have a chance for them, it is perfect but if you do not, there is no problem. You stop to think and act according to your feeling. I mean, cry if you feel like or laugh if it makes you happier. You can think it is so unreasonable. Yes, it is. That’s why we are doing this.
Finally, after doing all rational and irrational behavior, you will feel relaxed and relieved. You will not want to think about this disappointment. You will notice there is nothing left to do. In this point, you create your own receipt. To illustrate, you will listen music but it does not make you hurt or while you watching film, the frustration will not come your mind. You will realize that the all nuisances disappear. You passed this hard period thanks to your own power both in your mind and heart.
To sum up, it is life. People always think themselves first. You cannot prevent this but you can learn how to live with it. I do not say that you welcome all of the nuisances with open arms. Just learn getting rid of disappointment and most importantly, do not let them change your personality.

Friday 23 March 2012

A Humanities Lesson

It is a humanities 2 lesson. Our teacher is female. Her name is Ferzan Durul. The walls of the classroom is ice blue and big enough to include 50 student from different departments. Most of the students are 18. They are generally quite and they listen to what the teacher says. Therefore, she does not have to warn them to give attention. Teacher wears blacks clothes and she is so active. In the first 15 minutes of lesson, she repeats all conference lessons from the beginning and then, she does the same for her own lessons because of the midterm exam in the next week. She walks around the class, uses the board when it is necessary. She gives some clues to students about the most important topics. While she is explaining, students take notes and ask when they cannot understand some points. For once, she read a part from her own book to illustrate a statistic. Sometimes, she asks mini questions to the class and students try to answer them in correct ways. At last, she says to” good luck for your exam and be careful please.”