Thursday 23 February 2012

Cartoons in Teaching

Cartoons in Teaching
Undoubtedly, every person has a special cartoon character that reminds his
childhood. It means, even if years pass cartoon's impression on somebody
does not disappear. Well, why cartoons have a special place in people's
lives? As an example from real life, my brother learned his first song from
a cartoon and I learned dancing thanks to another cartoon. So, if something
is first, it is almost impossible to forget about. To give another example,
children's shows enable learning new words, numbers and colors before
children's school lives begin. By repeating their new knowledge, children
add these basic information on their minds. To continue, these shows
illustrate the events which can happen in real life. It provides children a
chance to deal with feellings and some obstacles. To summarize, all of
these possitive impacts help children to learn and think about the world.